3 Things to Do When Your Ex Won’t Follow the Quarantine Rules


What should a parent do to enforce the quarantine rules when they conflict with the court’s custody orders?


Virtually all courtrooms in the country have closed for the COVID-19 pandemic. Adding to that is the pressure of schools being closed and parents off work.

Now that most school districts across the country have determined that they are not going to reopen until the beginning of next school year, what are parents to do?

Sharing custody of children can be trying under the best of circumstances, but living with the virus (quarantine rules, symptoms of illness, different views on the disease and parenting strategies, a lack of clear guidance from courts and experts) exacerbates parenting conflict. 

Many courts have issued general guidelines that parents are expected to follow existing court orders. This means households that are sharing children back and forth are essentially living under one roof in a sort of conjoined bubble (two separate households with people going back and forth).  

(To read full article click the link below)

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