
Few things inspire more anxiety than divorce court. Images of barracuda lawyers ready to spew truthless allegations about your marital problems to harsh judges and your ex-spouse laughing at you all the while, create sleepless nights filled with worry and doubt.

Child Custody

Child custody and visitation matters are near and dear to all parents’ hearts. Virtually every divorcing parent who has walked into my office the first time tells me that the children are all that matters, the number 1 priority.

Support Issues

Child and spousal support are hotly contentious these days. I have noticed a changing world in which women have much more power in the market.

High Asset Divorce

We are one of the few firms in Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo Counties that have the level of technical expertise to handle high-asset or complex asset matters.


I have never been a huge fan of traditional mediation, although I believe wholeheartedly in negotiation. The Law Offices of M. Jude Egan treats divorce mediation like more traditional mediation.


We are conditioned as trial lawyers to believe that we are governed by the Code of Civil Procedure the same as all other matters, but the reality is that the rules of evidence are relaxed in the family court – whether by rule/statute or by practice.

Trust & Estate Litigation

Read Our Common Reasons for Seeking Out a Trust Litigation Lawyer

Who We Are

We are a diverse group of legal professionals who have spent the better part of 50 years helping people through tough times. None of us started out as family lawyers, and that’s a good thing. We’ve been business litigators, insurance lawyers, real estate and land use lawyers and trust and estate lawyers. You want that in your family lawyers…and here’s why.



Jude Egan's Blog

Helen Zajic's Blog

From a Paralegal's Point of View

The Second Marriage Estate Plan

Estate planning for a second marriage is different than for the first marriage. It is complicated by the fact that each spouse has brought children

Contact Egan Law

Contact + Location

426 Barcellus Ave- Suite 304
Santa Maria, CA 93454
Phone: (805) 332-3984


Information submitted through this website may not be kept confidential and communications through this website do not form an attorney/client relationship.
We operate throughout California and, where Federal law is involved, throughout the United States. Note that contacting us via email, telephone or fax does not constitute the formation of an attorney-client relationship.